These are some spot illustrations I did for a Birmingham City Council project called Local Visions. The idea was to give Birmingham residents access to Neighbourhood Planning Tools, which took the form of a website.

A Neighbourhood Plan (NP) is a legal document setting out a community’s wishes for the use and development of land in a designated area. Among other things, it can include policies for protecting green spaces, safeguarding or developing community facilities, and allocating sites for housing. Once an NP is brought into force, council planners must take its policies into account when making planning decisions for that area. An NP gives a community legal powers to influence development and shape the future of where they live and work.”

In my illustrations I wanted to include as many demographics as possible, to get across the idea of intergenerational and interfaith cohesiveness. The colour palette reflected the project’s brand guidelines.

Branding: Kat Tromans

Website and service design: Kerry Leslie